On the Longing to be Seen, Heard, and Known

REBEKAH MATT|GUEST “We all desire to know and be known.” “I just want to be heard.” “I feel seen.” The desire to be seen, heard, and known is universal. We all want to feel significant, worthy of attention, and validated by others. It’s painful to feel ignored, anonymous, or irrelevant. Yet we often find ourselves in situations where we feel exactly that: “No one understands how hard this is.” “Why am I even doing this?” “Does anyone even care?” The need to “be seen” is so great that the multi-billion-dollar social media industry has built itself around posts, clicks, and likes that provide people with solid, measurable evidence that they have indeed been seen and approved of by others. We all have this desire to one degree or another—which isn’t surprising because we were created to know and be known by God. He has made seeing, hearing, and knowing him easier for us in so many ways: through the person of Jesus Christ through his Word through evidence of his saving grace in our lives through the beauty, majesty, and intricacy of his creation Wanting to be seen, heard, and known isn’t sinful in itself (it’s part of our human nature, given to us by God), but as with everything in life, sin has tainted it in a big way. It turns out that Jesus had some things to say about being seen, and it is what’s going on in our heart that’s actually important...