Weighing In: A Story of Spiritual and Physical Health

RENEE MATHIS|CONTRIBUTOR This is not a dieting success story. I’m not a weight-loss wiz-kid.  I do have a “before” picture, but as of this writing I’m still 6.9 lbs. from a significant goal – and that one is probably far from “final.” No, when it comes to weight loss, this is not the blog post I thought I’d write: I’m slow. At age 55, I’ve been at this seriously for four and a half years. I get the Turtle Award. I’m not here to promote a philosophy, method, author, or product. What worked for me may not work for you. No magic tricks here. I’m not privy to The Bible’s Key to Your Weight Loss Secrets. Those were never revealed to me nor did the Lord lead me to write devotions on the beauty of Brussels sprouts. In my version of my story I would be creating 4 star meals that are simple, healthy, and delicious. I would be the model of consistency and self-control. I would show up to the trendy exercise classes in neon-colored leggings with coordinated tank top and have defined upper arms that are the envy of, well, every woman who knows exactly what “flap” means. Since my version never happened, I guess God must have had something different in mind. When God writes our story, it’s always far better than anything we could imagine.