Relationships can be sticky. It can be easy to seek security and identity in our relationships instead of running to Christ, but they will always disappoint. In this episode,  Ellen Dykas joins Karen Hodge to discuss how we can replace relational idols with Christ’s love. Join Ellen as shares about a woman whose journey to wholeness was born out of the devastating betrayal of her husband, and hear how God answered her cry.  

Discussion Questions

  • Why is it so easy to look to people to meet our needs instead of Christ?
  • Think about a time when you were deeply disappointed or even outright wounded by someone who failed to meet your expectations. Did that situation make you run to Christ? Why or why not?
  • Do you feel like you have ever been a relationship that crossed over into idolatry? Are you in one now?
  • Describe someone you know who has a oneness with Christ? How do you see her find her security and identity in Christ? How do you see her run to Christ in times of trouble?
  • Ellen mentioned Ps 50:14-15. Read that verse and discuss how God promises to respond to those who cry out to Him?

About the Speaker:

Ellen Dykas

Ellen Mary Dykas serves as Women’s Ministry Director for Harvest USA, a national ministry focused on gospel centered sexuality. Ellen received her MA Biblical Studies from Covenant Seminary in 1999, and served for many years in missions. She lives in Philadelphia and is a member of New Life Dresher PCA. She delights to teach God’s word and to disciple women towards intimacy with Christ and to equip them for lives of ministry. Ellen blogs for Harvest USA at www.harvestusa.organd has written numerous articles on relationships and sexuality. She co-wrote Harvest’s women’s workbook, Sexual Sanity for Women: Healing from Sexual and Relational Brokenness.

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You are not alone! There is hope in Christ! 

Harvest USA partners with and equips the Church in bringing the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to transform the lives of those affected by sexual sin.

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