Yes, it’s true! Yes, you can spend daily time with Jesus in the season of motherhood.

I can already imagine the “What you talkin’ bout Willis?” looks from across the internet as I sit down to write this article. You’ve got piles of laundry, mountains of dishes, and diapers that need changing. It’s difficult to find time to take a shower, and you can’t remember the last time you went to the bathroom by yourself. Your to-do list stretches from here to eternity.

And, now you think I’m coming at you with one more “to-do.”

Except, I really don’t think of it as a “to-do.” I think of it as an invitation: an opportunity to stop doing and start being. I picture a table bursting with goodness, overflowing with everything you need, and a kind offer, “Come to the feast! Come without money or cost!”

But, I know it’s difficult to look at it that way sometimes. And the question remains: How? How do we find time in our already-crammed-full-overly-packed schedules to sit quietly and study God’s word?

By God’s grace, throughout the fifteen years I’ve been a mother, He has provided time daily to be in His word and prayer. Here are four truths that have helped me through a variety of seasons, but especially during my mothering years:

We Prioritize What We Prize

There are so many avenues vying for your attention in motherhood. Between books, blogs, and articles, there’s a constant barrage of advice, all letting you know, “The Next Best Thing You Should Be Doing to Guarantee Success for Your Child.” Yet, all of this guidance (even the best of it) comes from individuals, who (just like you and me) are limited in their understanding. Only one source claims to be a book written by God, about God, and can offer you wisdom from God.

The Bible is not a parenting textbook. It is something much greater. The Word of God is unchanging, unfading, and eternally relevant. It promises to change you (Ephesians 5:26), give you discernment (Hebrews 5:12-14), revive your soul (Psalm 19:7), and give joy to your heart (Psalm 19:8). No other book can make such a claim. God’s word is a gift to His people.

When we rightly understand that God’s word is manna for our weary souls, we value it above all else. It’s not the dessert at the end of a meal, it’s the sustenance that keeps us alive. Our first step in walking with God begins by growing in our understanding of the importance of this time each day in our lives. We prioritize what we prize. If we truly

believe time with God is as important as eating or drinking, we will find time in our day because we understand we can’t make it without the nourishment we need. It’s like putting on our own oxygen mask before we help others. We must drink in Jesus or we will have nothing to offer our families.

We Plan so that We’re Prepared

Motherhood is like a box of chocolates. You never really know what you’ll get. One day the stomach bug may come to visit. Another day, it might be a trip to the ER. The only thing to expect is that each day will bring something unexpected.

For this reason, I’ve found one of the most important things I can do is to plan what to study and when I’ll study. Taking the time to prepare helps me in the midst of unpredictable days. I’ve found it helpful to use a study guide or Bible reading plan to help me stay in the Word each day. I’ve also benefitted from choosing a particular time each day that is marked off for Bible reading and prayer. It may be that you wake up before your family. It may be that you set aside nap time. Or, it may be that you spend thirty minutes before bedtime in the word and prayer. Find a time that works with your schedule and make it a regular habit in your day. More than anything else you need as a mom, you need the soul refreshment that comes with daily time with Jesus.

We Purposefully Purge

Saying yes to one thing usually involves saying no to another. If we want to guard time and mental space for Bible study and prayer, we need to honestly appraise our schedules. Is your life too full of activities, sporting events, and social engagements? What needs purging so that you can live purposefully? It’s OK for you to do less than your neighbor down the street so that you can spend time with Jesus. Give yourself permission to choose what is best and trust Jesus with the rest. Hold fast to His promise: “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33).

We Persevere for the Prize

There will be days when you leave time in the word and you won’t remember what you read. You may wonder about its relevance to your life. Your prayers may seem lackluster and distracted. Keep reading. Keep praying. Keep studying. Perseverance is part of the process.

Over time, the Word implanted in your heart will bear fruit. It may take years, but it will come. The beautiful harvest of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control will bloom in the fertile soil of a word-saturated soul. It’s impossible without Jesus. But, there’s such good news: All things are possible with Him.
